So I just received my NRA Membership renewal notice in the mail last week. It’s been sitting on the dining table just staring at me.
As I was drinking my coffee this morning I picked it up and opened it and its pretty standard stuff. Renewal form, postage paid return envelope and a coupe of four color stuffers with pleadings from Wayne LaPierre and Chris W. Cox telling me why my membership is so important. But I am questioning this.
The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is an American nonprofit organization which advocates for gun rights. Founded in 1871, the group has informed its members about firearm-related bills since 1934, and it has directly lobbied for and against legislation since 1975.
According to reports, Wayne LaPierre is paid almost $1M dollars a year to run the “non-profit” organization. Definitely not the highest of CEOs in non-profits. His total compensation in benefits and other things is close to $5M a year. And I get that running an organization of this size is a formidable task that can’t be done on a part time basis from your living room on your tablet. It’s not a “Jeep Club” or something.
My question is simply this. Have any of my friends who are members, received any direct benefit from being a member of the NRA? Please don’t start preaching about gun rights lobbying or promoting or opposing legislation. DIRECT TO YOU benefits from paying up to $40.00 a year. Anyone? Please let me know.