So I posted a screen capture on a company’s timeline on Facebook calling them out for a firearm safety screw up. See the idiot’s finger on the trigger?
Their reply was pretty fucking stupid and about as ignorant as something that would come out of Kommiefornia and that bunch of fruit cakes and gun haters out there. They replied:
Full Conceal All, at shows, they don’t allow firing pins or any bullets
I was OK with a stupid reply. I am still not OK with their demonstrator having his finger on the trigger of a firearm. Loaded, unloaded, no “firing pin” or whatever. That’s just stupid and dangerous. You handle a firearm safely no matter what. It is asinine shit like this that causes NEGLIGENT discharges, gets people hurt or killed and fuels the anti-gun crowd.
I posted an image (screen capture) from their video with what appears to be a loaded magazine being used in the demonstration. I gave them the benefit of the doubt on whether they were “inert” or “dummy” (more than likely dummy based on this company’s performance so far) rounds. And of course I have no way of verifying if their weapon was without a “firing pin” as their comment indicated.
As you can see in this image, I posted an image of the NRA (This video was at an NRA Show) safety rules for handling a firearm. (Image is at the bottom of the post.)
I also pointed out that “Glocks have strikers not firing pins.”
Both of these comments were deleted.
So @full_conceal, this is NOT the way to do damage control. Some of us track our steps when challenging something we are passionate about. And I am passionate about the 2nd Amendment AND firearm safety.
Everything would have been ok, and I wouldn’t be posting this on my personal website if you had just addressed the concern right from the start and left my comments alone.
So, let’s review.
Your idiot “Trey” or “Tray” or whatever, was demonstrating your modified Glock 19 at an NRA Show. Your idiot, during the demonstration put his finger on the trigger of this weapon. You claim that the weapon was made inoperable by the removal of the firing pin. And you claim that no “bullets” are allowed in the shows. You got scared when I called you on your bullshit and deleted my comments.
Couple of points.
You NEVER, EVER put your finger on the trigger unless you are going to fire the weapon. Not in demonstrations, not in training, not ever.
Glocks have strikers not firing pins, but I repeat myself.
Bullets are the projectiles. The items loaded into a magazine are cartridges.
Try to delete THIS post.