I am not advocating violence. But I would simply like to know HOW that moonbat Beto O’Rourke plans on taking guns away from law abiding citizens of the United States.
He says, Americans will obey the law. How is that working out for you with the rest of the laws on the books? Last I heard, murder was illegal. So is shooting up a Walmart. That’s against the law right.
This clown is an asshat of magnificent proportions and even most Liberals I know think he is a certifiable lunatic. Apparently, within the Democrats he is polling at about 2%.
You are not going to take guns away from law abiding citizens you idiot. It’s not going to happen. So keep beating your drums, keep circling your lunatic wagons, and keep dreaming. You have a snow ball’s chance in hell of getting elected and an even less chance of taking our guns.