I am so tired of double standards. But before I get into my rant, Lets review Title 4 of the US Code Respect for flag:
Section 8b: The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor or merchandise.
EDIT: I am more pissed off about someone intentionally physically desecrating our flag than I am about a handful of mental midgets trying to make a statement for their perceived cause by kneeling during the National Anthem. That we know of, none of these guys have desecrated the flag, interrupted the National Anthem or overtly said anything to be disrespectful of our troops. The general public has taken a statement against black oppression (right or wrong is not the discussion here) and turned it into something its not. Yet they are perfectly ok with dragging a flag across the ground on the FEET of a paratrooper.
Fucking double standards piss me off more than NFL players taking a knee.
So while everyone is all up in arms and calling for the boycott of the NFL because players are kneeling for the National Anthem and displaying disrespect for our troops, the flag and the anthem, we have United States Military personnel jumping out of airplanes with flags affixed to their feet.
They then parachute into various venues like football games, or other events landing in a field, much to the delight of the patriots and others attending.
What happens to the flag? You guessed it. It lands on the ground beneath the military member.
Yet we scream and yell and thump our chests in patriotic exuberance while one of the very basic mandates surrounding the flag is violated.
And some of you are worried about someone kneeling during the national anthem? At least they aren’t throwing the flag on the ground.