I am all about living life. Not just making a living. People should have fun. Enjoy the things they have, get the things they want, do the things they want to do. But that takes time. And planning to get to that point. And hard work.
But with this, also comes the responsibility to make sure that you can afford to do it. Whatever “it” is. Whether “it” is buying a new car, taking a vacation, buying other toys, it should not negatively impact your ability to do the things you have to do. Responsibility.
Today I say a lady in the Circle K gas pumps. She was driving a beautiful 2018 Ford Mustang. First glance, I’m guessing a higher end package on the car.
I was behind her at the register waiting to check out. As she was counting out change in pennies, nickels and dimes to add up to $5.00 worth of gasoline to put in her… $30K???? car?
This is NOT how you live life. I’m sorry. It’s just not. I’m thinking she should go back to driving her 08 Toyota Corolla for a few more years.