To be quite frank, not a lot. But before I go any further, I have learned that the representative that I spoke with today is fairly new with not much experience. So there is that.
So I learned that the keyboards on the 13 inch and 15 inch are exactly the same size. SMALL.
I learned that the “standard” keyboard for an iMac desktop computer is even smaller and might be about the size of a big smartphone.
I learned that if you want your computer (Apple) to fold in half so you can carry it to Starbucks, you will pay a premium.
I learned that Apple computers (Macs) have a planned obsolescence of 5 years but tend to survive much longer than that.
I learned they apparently skip a year. There are 2015 models and 2017 models. I guess they took 2016 off.
I learned that it is HOT inside the store. And yes, I am going there, they don’t have Windows. It truly was uncomfortably warm in the store. And you could tell. It kinda smelled.
But one of the most important things I learned was that Apple sells a “Smart Toothbrush”. Yep! How dumb do you have to be to need a “Smart Toothbrush”? $100.00 worth of USB connected toothbrush.