I find it time, once again, to offer my tutelage on the Man Card, what it means to a man and how we deal with maintaining manliness through sometimes punitive actions.
An event recently transpired where a woman, quite lovely and beautiful called for a man to give up his Man Card. This is completely unacceptable and will never be acted on.
Only another man can call for a man’s Man Card. The revocation or suspension of a Man Card has strict procedures that must be followed.
A woman can bring evidence of a possible infraction to light either directly to a Manliness Checker or through other means such as casual conversation. She may not however mention revocation or suspension of the Man Card.
Once a Manliness Checker has been made aware, either directly or indirectly, he must, with due diligence, investigate the possible infraction. This can be and usually is done by direct questions to the potential violator of the Man
If the Manliness Checker feels it is warranted, he can temporarily suspend the violators Man Card for no more than 24 hours, pending review by at least three other Manliness Checkers. The potential violator retains possession of his Man Card during this administrative suspension. This administrative suspension is non-punitive.
If after review, and by unanimous decision, all four agree that a violation of the Man Rules has been committed, they will decide on the most appropriate action and present it to the violator.
The action can be a simple suspension of the Man Card, where the violator retains possession of his Man Card but can not display it in public. During the suspension the violator simply has to go about his normal day to day routine making sure no other infractions occur during the suspension. He will be provided with a Mentor during this time. A suspension is considered non-punitive and is not “of record”. It will be looked at as a Training Period.
The more severe action is the actual revocation. If the Manliness Checkers decide a revocation is in order, the violator is then obligated to turn his Man Card over to the ranking Manliness Checker where it will be kept in a hermetically sealed mayonnaise jar for the duration of the revocation. During this time, the violator is expected to do more manly things than normal. He should consider hunting with a pocket knife, chopping a tree with an axe, roofing his house in July. These are just examples. If he normally does these things then he must go above and beyond. This action is considered punitive and a mark will be made in his permanent Manly Record. This action nor the decision to administer it should be taken lightly. It is very serious and may effect his manliness for years to come. Its like a credit score.
So ladies, while we all truly appreciate you doing your best to help your man remain manly, and we encourage you to do so, please be mindful of the guidelines.
Never, ever, under any circumstances, call for a suspension or revocation of a Manly Man’s Man Card. It will most surely result in no action being taken. This hurts both you and the Manly Man because he may be denied an opportunity to become MORE manly. And we know you don’t want an unmanly man.
A useful guide for both the ladies and up and coming Manly Men is located here: The Art Of Manliness
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