CONGRATULATIONS TO CJ DICKENSON ON WINNING THE AUCION!!! And much thanks to Jason Hentges for donating the ammunition to the cause!
I have 250 rounds of Load Up Ammunition .380 ammunition that is up for auction. 100% of the proceeds will go to a local friend who’s son was just diagnosed with cancer. This is set up simply to help with meals and such as they are going to be spending a great deal of time at treatment facilities and doctor’s offices.
If you don’t want to bid on the ammo, you can still help at Meal Train. This was organized by my wife to help her friend.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. No time of year is a good time to get this kind of news but it is made worse by the Christmas Season. Please do anything you can, no matter how small.
Fill out the form below for the blind/silent auction. Form will be closed at 5:00PM EST on Wednesday, December 20th, 2017. Product will be delivered locally to the CSRA or you can swing by my home to pick it up. Whichever is easiest for you.
Thanks in advance.
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