A friend of mine made this status post on Facebook:
I want honest answers, What smell reminds you of your childhood and brings you back to a special place in your mind? For me it’s the smell of a fresh cut pallet, my grandfather used to run a pallet shop when I was a kid and I got to run the forklift when I was old enough to reach the controls.
It was pretty refreshing and immediately got me thinking about it.
My reflection was:
Coffee. The smell of coffee. When my family would go on road trips, mostly in the summer, we would leave before daylight to get on the road. It must be a “Dad” thing because I would be happy doing this. Tracie not so much.
About an hour into the trip, I’d be snoozing in the back seat, or complaining that my sister was breathing my air and Dad would finish his first cup.
Mom would take his cup, set it on the console that he had built from wood and open his Thermos.
It is THAT smell of coffee that I remember that brings me the most joy.