About Me
Any commentary, thoughts, viewpoints expressed on this page are those of the author (which may not be me). They do not reflect the thoughts, or viewpoints of anyone else, most notably my employer (if applicable), my wife (she loves me anyway), or any friend or family not specifically identified.
If you have a problem with law abiding citizens being armed. You are the reason law abiding citizens are armed. – Scott White, December 2013
“And my brothers are all black and white, yellow too
And the red man is right, to expect a little from you
Promise and then follow through, America.” Scott White August 2018
“You can’t truly call yourself “peaceful” unless you are capable of great violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless. Important distinction.” – Author unknown
I dread the day someone decides it is a good idea to hurt one of my family members. Because I assure you, my reaction to that will be a level of violence unrestrained like you have never seen. It will be gruesome and you will not survive. Scott White, 2013
I do not consider myself a smartass. I point out the obvious, search for the truth, and speak fluent sarcasm. I am, by experience, an accomplished curmudgeon. Scott White, 2010
I want peace in my life. But I am a PeaceMAKER not a PeaceKEEPER. There is a difference. I will not sit back and pacify to keep a level of peace in my life but I will, if necessary, make it. Actively. Aggressively. Succinctly. Scott White, 2019
The Second Amendment is only a deterrent against tyranny for as long as the government doesn’t know who is armed and to what extent. Never give in. Never give up. Scott White, 2014
Being disarmed, in the face of a tyrant, is a mistake a free people only get to make once. Live free. Stay armed. Don’t back down. Don’t give in. Author unknown
In every relationship, no matter how brief, someone always gets hurt to some extent when it ends. Scott White, 2011
“Some people remain alive because of learned restraint, not any particular emotional or moral objection to killing them.” – Scott White, 01/2012
My list of people that fall under this category is growing daily…
“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty… And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” Someone, probably wearing a powdered wig.
Above all else I am a patriot. I believe the United States of America is the greatest country on the planet. In spite of the current crop of IDIOTS in Washington D.C. I am a supporter of our troops, unconditionally, our veterans living and dead.
I am a combat veteran, I truly have been there and done that and have the scars to prove it.
I believe in the Thin Blue Line and will always support law enforcement professionals. That being said, I do NOT always support where law enforcement administrations are taking this profession in this this country.
I love coffee. I hate Starbucks.
I am a “good ole boy”. Southern born, southern raised, southern values, southern mannerisms. I am NOT racist.
I am witty and love to make people laugh. I can be sarcastic when trying to be funny. I am not politically correct.
I am borderline anarchist. I hate the government involved in my life to the extent they are. I think the government needs to back the hell off of me. And everyone else.
I am extremely outspoken.
I don’t candy coat.
I can be rough around the edges.
I am armed. I carry a gun. I am a 2nd Amendment evangelist. If you see me I am exercising my right to carry a weapon. I have several. I think everyone should. There are two types of people in the world. Victims, and those who refuse to be. I am the latter.
I am a retired police officer from a local Hampton Roads (Virginia) jurisdiction. When I left the department I was the Mobile Data Project Manager. I handled all things network and mobile network (in the police cars) for the Police Department. I worked the streets as a patrol officer as well as a Field Evidence Technician (CSI).
I am a Linux professional. But still learning more every day. I speak fluent cPanel and WHM (if you don’t know then you shouldn’t care) as well as Linux CLI.
I am also a master photographer and have had several works published and many on display in local galleries in the Hampton Roads area. This is a hobby gone mad that started over thirty years ago.
Hometown: Pembroke Pines, Florida
Current Home: Harlem, Georgia
I’ve also lived in Palatka, Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, Hollister, and Pensacola, Florida, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, Virginia as well as Springfield, Missouri.